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I recently discovered Jewish African-America hiphop artist Y-Love. I started taking to him on twitter, and he pointed me towards this awesome "Nat'l Jewish Population Survey-inspired hiphop."

If you've been catching some of the buzz around Songs in the Key of Chanukah, then you've seen Y-Love before, over here:

I also recommend checking out Y-Love's blog.

Happy Chanukah (and Merry Christmas to my Christian friends)!

{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Y-Love December 31, 2008, 3:47 am

    One love for the shoutout. The National Jewish Population Survey is horribly slept on in my opinion and more people should realize its significance to American Jews.

  • Ben December 31, 2008, 3:45 pm

    Thanks for stopping by to comment. Have a Happy, music-filled, New Year! Hoping 2009 is a time of change and progress.

  • Ben January 5, 2009, 2:58 am

    Thanks, Jesse, for pointing this out about the NJPS.

  • Jesse January 5, 2009, 3:51 am

    The NJPS is very useful in someways but has been horrible about under counting Jews living in poverty. There are a variety of issues about how the economic portion of the survey was done (long form vs. short form and how selection for each was done for example). Still, there is much to learn from it as long as you are aware of the blinders that happen in our community just as in other communities.

  • will i am music January 20, 2009, 7:42 am

    The NJPS is very useful in someways but has been horrible about under counting Jews living in poverty. There are a variety of issues about how the economic portion of the survey was done (long form vs. short form and how selection for each was done for example). —————– agreed

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