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5th Circuit candidate & white supremacists

I'm not blogging over here right now, but this, just in from the Arkansas Delta Peace & Justice Center, needs immediate publication. --BG

Kay Cobb has been interviewed by the White House as a candidate for the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. She would be a permanent replacement of Charles Pickering who has been serving in a temporary capacity for the past year. She has spoken at least twice to Council of Conservative Citizens groups.
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The Council of Conservative Citizens is a reincarnation of the White Citizens Councils that sprang up in the South in the 1950s and 1960s to oppose school desegregation. Like the League of the South, a neo-confederate group to which it has many links, the 15,000-member Council has tried without success to mask its white supremacist ideology to better promote a right-wing political agenda.The link to the Council of Conservative Citizens is www.cofcc.org.
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Kay Cobb
Presiding justice, Mississippi Supreme Court

Term ends: 2008

CCC links: As a candidate for the post she'd been appointed to a year earlier, introduced speaker Virginia Abernethy, a member of the CCC editorial advisory board, at a Sept. 23, 2000, Marshall County, Mississippi CCC event also attended by the CCC's top national leaders, CEO Gordon Baum and President Tom Dover; spoke to the Webster County, Mississippi CCC in Mathiston on Sept. 25, 2000.

Comment: Cobb said she spoke at the invitation of friends of her family to what she saw as a group of "ultra-conservative, mostly older, white, rural citizens."

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