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From the John Conyers Hearing

At today's hearing held in DC by John Conyers on allegations of irregularities and fraud in the 2004 presidential election an ordniary white working class woman got to speak. Very calmly she said:

I am not as educated and up on things as some of you people here in Washington..that's why I don't understand why you don't seem to get how it works here...You ask me for my sons and daughters...and you want me to pay my hard earned money for taxes...and you don't want to give me my vote. You want me to send my son to die..and you are supposed to give me something back for that...you are supposed to give me a vote. You don't seem to get how it works. You want me to give you everything I have and you don't want to give me anything back...that is not how it works here.

(Transcription courtesy of Heather Baum.)

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