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Friday Random Ten

Wilco, Misunderstoond (Kicking Television - live)

Ella Fitzgerald, How Long Has This Been Going On? (w/ Ellis Larkins)

Teddy Bunn, Bachelor Blues

The Legendary K.O., George Bush Doesn't Care About Black People

Ray Charles, Rockhouse

James Brown, There Was A Time (I Got To Move)

Martin Luther King, Jr., Birmingham, Al., May 1963

("Keep this movement going. Keep this movement rolling. In spite of the difficulties, and we're gonna have a few more difficulties, keep climbing. Keep movin'. If you can't fly run. If you can't run walk. If you can't walk crawl. But by all means keep moving.")

Woody Guthrie, Roll On

Elliott Smith, Twilight

Budowitz, Ukraynishe Kolomeyke

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