Her recent escapades were the second time she's behaved in such a manner.
[T]he fleet-footed bride had fled before. Friends and other relatives of the former flame also confirmed the doomed engagement.
"They had picked out an engagement ring and put it on layaway and were looking at houses to buy together," the former fiancé's wife said.
"They never consummated their relationship," the woman added. "She claimed she wanted to wait [for marriage]. He said he was fine to have sex, but it was her decision."
When Wilbanks suddenly reversed course and dumped him, "He was shocked, and he was hurt," the woman said.
And she has a criminal record (registration required).
Court records show that Wilbanks was arrested three times in that county on shoplifting charges from 1996 to 1998.
In 1996, as district attorney, Sartain prosecuted Wilbanks for allegedly shoplifting $1,740 in merchandise from a Gainesville mall, court records show. Sartain dropped the felony charge after Wilbanks, then 24, completed a pretrial diversion program, the records show. Wilbanks performed 75 hours of community service and paid restitution, according to court records.
Months before that felony arrest, police had charged Wilbanks with misdemeanor shoplifting for allegedly taking $37.05 in merchandise from a Gainesville Wal-Mart. Court records show that officials dismissed the case after Wilbanks completed "Project Turnabout," a six-week counseling program for shoplifters.
In fact, she could use a little rough handling. If the cops don't teach her lesson now, at age 33, by age 40 she'll be knocking off banks and engaged in prostitution. Mark my words...
Let's hope the police investigate Jennifer's parents, too, since Jennifer's misbehavior must surely be reflective of their parenting. I mean how could Mr. and Mrs. Wilbanks give John Mason their blessing for the engagement without telling him about their daughter's history of immoral and criminal behavior?
[L]ast August, Harris Wilbanks got a call from the man his daughter was dating. Could Mr. and Mrs. Wilbanks join him for dinner?
At the dinner, Mason produced a diamond ring. The younger man asked the elder one for permission to marry his daughter.
"He did it the old-fashioned way," Harris Wilbanks recalled. "I couldn't ask for a finer Christian son-in-law."
His daughter eventually moved into Mason's home as the couple prepared for their wedding. As devout Christians, Mason said, they lived chaste lives together, agreeing not to consummate their relationship until they said their vows in front of God and 600 friends April 30.
I bet they knew exactly what their daughter was up to when she "disappeared."
What on earth is wrong with these white, Christian, heterosexual families?
(via Steve Gilliard.)