Keith Olbermann wants to know why Bev Harris won't show her video tapes of the Volusia County debacle on Countdown:
I have not dealt with Ms. Harris directly, but my staff has, and though we have asked her on a regular basis to let us show these tapes on national television, she has declined.
I hate to say it, but Olbermann is right to question her integrity:
What Ms. Harris has left herself open to is a charge that as much as any interest she has in the justifiable public concern over our most precious right - the right to a reliable, honest election - she may also have an interest in making her own documentary, on her own schedule, for her own purposes.
What Ms. Harris has also left herself - and by extension anybody who is advocating investigation, or merely covering the story - open to,is the charge of grandstanding, of tin-foil hatting, of being somebody who bursts in to a room and screams at public officials, videotape running all the time, artificially creating news.
Harris is demanding full disclosure from public officials (as she should) but is refusing to meet that standard herself. This is irresponsible particularly because it undermines everyone else who shares her passion for truth. From Olbermann:
I don’t know her motivations and I don’t know her bona fides. But I’m afraid at this stage, intentionally or by the simplest of communication failures, she isn’t helping illuminate this issue. And every step that attracts heat but not light is another step towards discrediting the entire process.
Read the whole thing.