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Tuskegee Lynching Update from the Comments: Winston Deroyal Carter’s Aunt

This case already looked like a cover up, just from what was said in the one existing news report of Winston Deroyal Carter's death. Now we're hearing that the Tuskegee Police is hiding the basic facts of Mr. Carter's death from his family. I received this comment from Mr. Carter's aunt a few hours ago.

My name is Kathy Fetterman and I live in Northern Virginia. Winston Carter, "DeRoyal" as we lovingly called him, was my nephew - more like my little brother since he was raised by my parents (his paternal grandparents). I have major concerns about the nature of DeRoyal's death. People want to say he committed suicide, but I have trouble believing that. The officers in Tuskegee are so quick to rule it a suicide because it's easy. They never allowed us, his family, to see the crime scene pictures as they promised and these pictures were taken with a digital camera supposedly. I don't know how thoroughly they investigated the crime scene or anything. There are so many unanswered questions. I just don't believe my nephew would have done that to himself.

A lot of other deaths have been covered right away - why has it taken so long for this to make the news, especially when there were so many people at the scene? I don't understand that either.

This stinks to high heaven. I wish my outrage were adequate to the loss of Ms. Fetterman and her family. I do not understand how anyone can treat Mr. Carter's grieving loved ones this way.

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