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NOLA Blogs – What you reap is what you sow

From Humid City:

After a week of sitting on my ass waiting for the so-called "cavalry" (Is that some sick joke? Why do the media keep using that word to describe the rescue effort? Cavalries are large, powerful and fast-moving. Haven't seen anything matching that description since Monday morning when a storm passed through.) to save my hometown, here are some of the thoughts I've collected:

Having lived in New Orleans for thirty-one years, I'm now seeing New Orleans' poor from the perspective of the rest of the country. Have you been shocked to see on television so many people, poor, angry and violent, and crammed together with no options? Guess what, viewers: that describes the situation in New Orleans from before the hurricane to as far back as anyone can remember. We've been complacent about this situation so long we don't even notice it anymore. It was a societal volcano ready to erupt.

I'm getting a new understanding of poverty: not just a low bank balance but a desert of options. We're seeing descendants of a slave population abruptly cut loose with no forty acres and sure as hell no mule; and we see from interviews on national television that in the twenty-first century they are just as hungry, uneducated, disenfranchised, desperate and threatened with worse as they were in 1866. Those are my next-door neighbors you're looking at, and as such I DO give a rat's ass about them.

DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT ENTITLEMENT. Adam Smith himself knew the societal value of free and compulsory education -- in fact he endorsed it, and for this reason: THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU PACK TOGETHER ALREADY-FUCKED PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN CHASED DOWN TO THEIR LAST RESORT. (If you international readers think they have the option of going to school, you are painfully naive about the state of New Orleans public schools. Sending a child to one of our schools is like sending an adult to prison: they just come out worse.) Shouldn't we expect anyone pushed beyond their limit, dehydrating, starving and overheating, dying from lack of medical care, hamstrung to care for their families, jerked around by the authorities, to take it badly? Expect an entire population treated like animals, fed, clothed and housed like animals, and now cornered like animals to react as animals would. No shit it's outrageous! It happens also to be predictable and avoidable. You know the mayor's got his own world taken care of, and he still lost his shit on live radio. What do you think the common people are gonna do?

No more smoking in the powder magazine, folks ... if the magazine gets rebuilt. Okay?


More Katrina Blogging

Here's a list from Facing South (an excellent blog, by the way):

  • Hattie's Blog, tag team live blogging of the storm from Hattiesburg
  • Eyes on Katrina, Biloxi Sun Herald staffer blog
  • Eye of the Storm, team storm blogging from Gulfport and Biloxi
  • Katrina Aftermath, an open citizen journalism blog
  • Looka, by a local music/culture blogger in NOLA
  • Ernie the Attorney, a displaced NOLA lawyer with reports from friends on the scene
  • Beats Per Minutea NOLA evacuee with reports from a friend on the scene
  • Life in New Orleans, a NOLA evacuee, observations and Loyola updates
  • Humid City, a NOLA evacuee blogs and podcasts as he flees to West Memphis
  • A Little Lagniappe, only one last post before the storm, but it is chilling
  • Bobby's World, a Metairie evacuee blogging from Jackson
  • DeadlyKatrina.com, a Katrina news roundup blog
  • Storm Digest, a Katrina news blog
  • Also see the Jackson Free Press, technically an independent weekly, but the web version is an interesting mix of blogging and conventional online news. JFP's Katrina Blog has a lot of local detail, including much current info on what relief workers and survivors need on the coast in and in Jackson, where people have fled to.

    Mississippi Political, a news links page, is also a good portal for news and info on the ground in MS.


    No, that's not a quote about NOLA. Please spend some time reading Eye Of The Storm, a blog by Josh Keller and Mike Keller, documenting first hand Katrina's destruction in Mississippi.

    I spent the day in the town where the eye passed directly over, Pass Christian, and it made me cry for the second time since this began.I have been up and down Harrison County now, and this was by far the worst I have seen. Standing on the beach, I met an active duty army guy stationed at Fort Bragg. He said, "I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan and I have never destruction like this." (link)

    At Eye Of The Storm there are photos and reports from Pass Christian, Gulfport, Biloxi, Long Beach . . .

    Also go to Mississippi Sun Herald reporter Don Hammack's blog, Eyes on Katrina for local level news blogging on the devastation in Mississippi.

    The horrors in NOLA are hard to stop thinking about, but please, keep paying attention to Mississippi and Alabama. People are suffering terribly.

    Some of Josh Norman's photos from Pass Christian, MS.

    left to right, that's Louis, Joe, Ronnie and Watson. They had all lost
    their homes and were sleeping outside next to a trailer but insisted I
    take one of the peaches an electrical worker crew from South Carolina
    gave them.
    posted by Josh Norman at 1:23 PM


    This is why reporting in Pass Christian has been difficult.

    posted by Josh Norman at 1:16 PM

    downtown Pass Christian

    posted by Josh Norman at 1:10 PM

    Pass's port

    posted by Josh Norman at 1:08 PM




    A church in Pass Christian south of the tracks

    posted by Josh Norman at 1:06 PM  








    This is what most of Pass Christian south of the tracks looks like...

    posted by Josh Norman at 1:04 PM










    MLK, A Look To The Future, Labor Day Weekend, 1957

    [The following is a large excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.'s closing address to the seminar, "The South Thinking Ahead," at the Highlander Folk School's twenty-fifth anniversary celebration, September 2, 1957 (Labor Day Weekend), Monteagle, Tennessee. I made previous reference to this speech and the 1957 Labor Day Weekend events at Highlander in this two part series, as well as here and here. —BG]

    from Martin Luther King, Jr., "A Look To The Future"

    I have been asked to speak from the subject: "A Look to the Future." In order to look to the future, it is often necessary to get a clear picture of the past. In order to know where we are going, it is often necessary to see from whence we have come. So I begin with a survey of past developments in the area of race relations.

    As we look over the long sweep of race relations in America we notice that there has been something of an evolutionary growth over the years. There have been at least three distinct periods in the history of race relations in this nation, each representing growth over a former period. It is interesting to note that in each period there finally came a decision from The Supreme Court to give legal and constitutional validity to the dominant thought patterns of that particular period. The first period in the area of race relations extended from 1619 to 1863. This was the period of slavery. During this period the Negro was an "it" rather than a "he," a thing to be used rather than a person to be respected. He was merely a depersonalized cog in a vast plantation machine. In 1857, toward the end of this period, there finally came a decision from the the Supreme Court to give legal and constitutional validity to the whole system of slavery. This decision, known as the Dred Scott decision, stated in substance that the Negro is not a citizen of this nation; he is merely property subject to the dictates of his owner.

    The second period in the development of race relations in America extended, broadly speaking, from 1863 to 1954. We may refer to this as the period of segregation. In 1896, through the famous Plessy vs. Ferguson decision, the Supreme Court established the doctrine of separate but equal as the law of the land. Through this decision the dominant thought patterns of this second stage of race relations were given legal and constitutional validity. Now we must admit that this second period was something of an improvement over the first period of race relations because it at least freed the Negro from the bondage of physical slavery. But it was not the best stage because segregation is at bottom nothing but slavery covered up with certain niceties of complexity. So the end results of this second period was that the Negro ended up being plunged across the abyss of exploitation where he experienced the bleakness of nagging injustice.

    The third period in the development of race relations in America had its beginning on May 17, 1954. You may refer to this as the period of complete and constructive integration. The Supreme Court's decision which came to give legal and constitutional validity to the dominant thought patterns of this period said in substance that the old Plessy doctrine must go, that separate facilities were inherently unequal, and to segregate a child on the basis of his race is to deny that child of equal protection of the law. And so as a result of this decision we find ourselves standing on the threshold of the third and most constructive period in the development of race relations in the history of our nation to put it in biblical terms. We have broken loose from the Egypt of slavery; we have moved through the wilderness of "separate but equal," and now we stand on the border of the promised land of integration.

    The great moral challenge that confronts each of us at this moment is to work passionately and unrelentingly for the complete realization of the ideals and principles in this third period. We must not rest until segregation and discrimination have been liquidated from every area of our nation's life. As we stand at the threshold of this third period of race relations, we notice two contradictory forces at work in the South: the forces of defiance and the forces of compliance. On the one hand, we notice a resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan and the rise of White Citizens Councils. On the other hand, we notice constructive forces at work seeking to create a new respect for human dignity. In order to get a clear picture of the situation, we may look at each of these forces separately.

    The past three years have witnessed the birth in the South of the U. S. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Almost dead for more than two decades, the Klan has staged a new revival. This organization is determined to preserve segregation at any cost; its methods are crude and criminal. Unlike the Klan of twenty years ago, this new Klan does not list among its members the so-called respectable people. It draws its members from the undereducated and underprivileged groups who see in the Negro's rising status a political and economic threat. And although the Klan will never regain the power that it once possessed, we must not take it lightly. Beneath the surface of all of its actions is the ugly theme of unleashed, unchallenged, racial and religious bigotry. There is always the implied threat of violence.

    Then there are the White Citizens Councils. Since they operate on a higher political and economic level than the Klan, a halo of respectability hovers over them. But like the Klan, they are determined to preserve segregation and thereby defy the desegregation rulings of the Supreme Court. They base their defense on the legal maneuvers of interposition and nullification. Unfortunately for those who disagree with the Councils, their methods do not stop with legal tactics; their methods range from threats and intimidation to economic reprisals against Negro men and women. These methods also extend to white persons who will dare to take a stand for justice. They demand absolute conformity from whites and abject submission from Negroes.

    The effects of the Councils' activities are not difficult to determine. First, they have brought many white moderates to the point that they no longer feel free to discuss some issues involved in desegregation for fear of what they will be labeled. The channels of communication between whites and Negroes are now closed. Certainly this is tragic. Men hate each other because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don't know each other; they don't know each other because they can't communicate with each other; they can't communicate with each other because they are separated from each other.

    [click to continue…]

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    It was good to read Steve Gilliard

    After watching this and reading this, it was great to hear him spell it out in no uncertain terms.

    Still, especially after the freeper type in the comments, I think I'll add a couple of lists to fill out the wherefore and why of what's wrong with George Bush and his murderously incompetent cronies (that's the nice reading; the other version involves using the phrase "genocidal policies").

    From Karen Wehrstein at Kos.

    1) The delay in federal aid in the form of food, water and meds for the displaced within NO, especially at the Superdome and Convention Center, in air drops or any other form, has been implausibly long, as the media, Ray Nagin, etc., have more or less screamed to anyone who'd listen.

    The military was well-prepared beforehand -- they started planning as the storm went over Florida, and had 9 million MREs ready to deliver. But protocol requires they await orders from FEMA or the president (via Terre on DKos).

    New Mexico offered its National Guard on Sunday, again, before the storm hit, and Louisiana accepted, but "paperwork needed to get the troops en route didn't come from Washington until late Thursday" (Yahoo via Atrios.)

    FEMA director Mike Brown claimed that FEMA didn't know about the Convention Centre situation until Thursday (CNN) -- here we have an example of a).  This simply cannot be true; even for purely partisan operatives, duties include following the networks.

    All through, the victims were promised supplies and transportation to safety -- c).  Likewise Ray Nagin was stalled by promises of help from FEMA/Homeland Security: "I keep hearing that it's coming. This is coming, that is coming, and my answer to that today is: B.S." (his kickbutt interview on WWL, quoted everywhere)

    2) Before the hurricane hit, Gov. Kathleen Blanco requested Washington provide disaster relief aid, including military personnel and $5 million for evacuation.  No military personnel showed up until Sept. 2; as far as I can tell, the $5 million was not received in time to aid with the evacuation.  No reason given.  The governor now knows to make sure the media sees her requests as well as the president, demands his "personal involvement" viz her presser of yesterday.

    3) Rescue operations were suspended by FEMA due to shots being taken at helicopter -- a) -- as many DKos commenters have pointed out, National Guard rescuers shouldn't be discouraged by this. There's some doubt it happened at all, as at the bottom of this ABC story.  In the vast majority of cases this was likely not to be a danger at all.

    4) Offers of help were refused:

    • Canadian rescue teams -- held up by Homeland Security (DKos diary)
    • air-boat volunteers required by FEMA to pay for their own gasoline, couldn't afford to (DKos diary), turned down even if they could (South Florida Sun-Sentinel)
    • Al Gore - airplanes -- refused by FEMA (CNN) because he was going to evacuate a private hospital, and FEMA mandate only allows aid to public hospitals
    • 500 boats and 1,000 men from elsewhere in Louisiana -- diaried by pelican here
    • Chicago mayor Richard Daley -- via espo111 on DKos, from Chicago Sun-Times: "Mayor of Chicago Richard Daley offered 36 firefighters and technical rescue teams, 8 emergency medical techs, search-and-rescue equipment, 100 police officers, 2 boats, a mobile clinic and 140 streets and sanitation workers with 29 trucks. All self-sufficient. And the FEMA response?  'Just send one truck.' "

    That they accepted one truck rather than turning down all shows a clear intent to appear to be accepting the offer while in effect refusing it -- which is deceptive.

    FEMA's refusal to pay for airboat gas came solely through DKos -- suggesting that FEMA isn't saying these things where the media will hear -- b).

    More individual cases in this Help Offered-Rejected/Delayed diary by SarahLee.

    5) Offers of desperately-needed equipment/supplies were also turned down by FEMA in Slidell, supposedly due to bureaucratic regulations -- a).  Slidell mayor Ben Morris (audio, transcript): "They have turned generators away from us. They´ve turned fuel away from us because they determine, or the driver determined, that it wasn´t the correct spot to put it. The generators ... oh, the site hadn´t been inspected yet. We´ve gotta bring an inspector to see where the thing is going.  ...We have heard that FEMA or some federal agencies are going around seizing equipment from our contractors..."

    6) Private relief agencies (Red Cross, Salvation Army) are prevented from working in NO, by FEMA.  Reason given -- a) -- this would keep people from leaving the city.  The idea, apparently, was to make conditions so unbearable people would be forced to leave or face death.  But at the same time, no transportation was being provided them.  This came via Kossack SteveRose who writes that he was cagily asked by his source if he was a member of the media -- b). Red Cross website confirms they aren't allowed to go in.

    7) The military is now disallowing people to leave the city on their own via the only way out, at the same time that no transportation is being provided (Shepard Smith and Geraldo Rivera -- Fox News). In these situations the military is directed by FEMA.

    The concept that rescuers are not safe due to looters and snipers has been blown way out of proportion, with even Bush himself emphasizing it.  See this LA Times story about a military unit who didn't find anything like what they'd been led to expect.  The purpose here could be not only to discredit/blame the victims, but to serve as an excuse -- a) -- for calling off aid/rescue work, as above.

    Now, the central source: note how all of these actions can be traced back to FEMA/Homeland Security, or the President himself (as CoC) in Washington.

    Possible motives?  Note that any or all of them can apply, simultaneously; actions are often taken for more than one reason.

    And from Tony Pierce:

    9/3 Chicago Sun-Times: "Daley 'shocked' as feds reject aid"
    All FEMA allowed them to send was one tank

    (Chicago) Mayor (Richard) Daley said the city offered 36 member s of the firefighters' technical rescue teams, eight emergency medical technicians, search-and-rescue equipment, more than 100 police officers as well as police vehicles and two boats, 29 clinical and 117 non-clinical health workers, a mobile clinic and eight trained personnel, 140 Streets and Sanitation workers and 29 trucks, plus other supplies.

    9/3 RedCross.org: Red Cross Not Allowed in New Orleans

    Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.

    The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.

    9/3 AFP: Angry LA Senator accuses President Bush's visit as a Staged, Phoney "Photo-Op"

    Perhaps the greatest disappointment stands at the breached 17th Street Levee.

    Touring this critical site yesterday with the President, I saw what I believed to be a real and significant effort to get a handle on a major cause of this catastrophe.

    Flying over this critical spot again this morning, less than 24 hours later, it became apparent that yesterday we witnessed a hastily prepared stage set for a Presidential photo opportunity.

    The desperately needed resources we saw were this morning reduced to a single, lonely piece of equipment.

    9/3 Race has nothing to do with this? Army Times, Brig. Gen Gary Jones, commander of the Louisiana National Guard’s Joint Task Force told the Army Times on Friday that hundreds of armed troops were going to "take this city back"

    "This place is going to look like Little Somalia," he said. "We’re going to go out and take this city back. This will be a combat operation to get this city under control."

    9/3 CNN.com DHS Has Failed to Release Nine Stockpiles of Emergency Gear

    Nine stockpiles of fire-and-rescue equipment strategically placed around the country to be used in the event of a catastrophe still have not been pressed into service in New Orleans... The gear -- including generators, radios, breathing apparatus, cots and other items -- is stockpiled by DHS in nine locations. The three closest to New Orleans are College Station, Texas; Columbia, S.C.; and Clearwater, Fla. The gear is intended to replenish or sustain up to 150 first responders.

    Contractors who maintain the gear are required to transport it to a disaster site no later than 12 hours after the initial request is made by local authorities and approved by DHS.

    9/3 NO Times-Picayune: Tons of Food Delayed When Bush Arrived

    Three tons of food ready for delivery by air to refugees in St. Bernard Parish and on Algiers Point sat on the Crescent City Connection bridge Friday afternoon as air traffic was halted because of President Bush’s visit to New Orleans, officials said.

    The provisions, secured by U.S. Rep. Charlie Melancon, D-Napoleonville, and state Agriculture Commissioner Bob Odom, baked in the afternoon sun as Bush surveyed damage across southeast Louisiana five days after Katrina made landfall as a Category 4 storm, said Melancon’s chief of staff, Casey O’Shea.

    9/3 DailyKos: NorthCom had millions of meals and supplies available, but no order from the President to deploy

    A: Now I'm sure you're aware of the criticism that the authorities have been slow to respond to this. When did you get the order to start relied work?

    K: NorthCom started planning before the storm even hit. We were ready for the storm when it hit Florida because, as you remember, it crossed the bottom part of Florida, and then we were plaining, you know, once it was pointed towards the Gulf Coast. So what we did was we activated what we call defense coordinating officers to work with the state to say okay, what do you think you'll need, and we set up staging bases that could be started. We had the USS Baton sailing almost behind the hurricane so that after the hurricane made landfall it's search and rescue helicopters would be available almost immediately. So we had things ready. The only caveat is, we have to wait until the President authorizes us to do so. The laws of the United States say that the military can't just act in this fashion, we have to wait for the President to give us permission.

    9/3 AP: Federal Paperwork Stalled Nat. Guard Response

    Several states ready and willing to send National Guard troops to the rescue in New Orleans didn't get the go-ahead until days after the storm struck — a delay nearly certain to be investigated by Congress.

    New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson offered Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco help from his state's National Guard last Sunday, the day before Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana. Blanco accepted, but paperwork needed to get the troops en route didn't come from Washington until late Thursday.

    8/17/04 SP Times Hours After Hurricane Charley Hit FLA, Bush Approved Aid to Bush

    Gov. Jeb Bush sought federal help Friday while Charley was still in the Gulf of Mexico. President Bush approved the aid about an hour after the hurricane made landfall.

    By Monday afternoon, the cavalry seemed to be in place.

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    West End Blues

    The flooding in New Orleans reached its current epic proportions when—after one levee was breached on Monday morning, August 29, in the eastern, downriver portion of the city, known as the Ninth Ward—another was breached across town at the 17th Street Canal Levee, very early Tuesday morning, August 30.

    The 17th Street Canal separates New Orleans’ Jefferson Parish (west) from Orleans Parish (east). The canals of the city, as well as the Mississippi riverbanks and the shore of Lake Pontchartrain are lined with earthen levees that usually keep the low-lying city from from being flooded. But as high water and wind from Katrina scoured the levees, large sections washed away, including a section reportedly several hundred feet long along the eastern side of the 17th Street Canal. . . .

    The breach in the levee along the canal’s eastern bank is obvious as a break in the tan line that runs along other portions of the canal. The hole allowed Lake Pontchartrain to pour into the neighborhoods known as the West End. Some homes and other buildings are completely submerged, while the roofs of others appear to float above the murky water.

    Nola Percent White, West EndThe West End is 90% white, 1.7% Black. 9.1% of its residents were living in poverty. The Lower 9th Ward is 98.3% Black, .5% white. 36.4% of its residents were living in poverty. On average in New Orleans, 66.6% of the residents are Black, 26.6% are white, and 27.9% lived in poverty. One of the wealthiest and whitest parts of New Orleans, the West End was presumably one of the areas whose residents mostly got out of New Orleans in time to escape the devastation that is now there (though their homes and other possessions may not be so lucky).

    The map, above right, shows NOLA neighborhoods by percent white, with the West End outlined in red. Click here to see the same map done for percent African American, Asian and Latino. All demographic data in cited in this post are drawn from 2000 census data, as assembled by the Greater New Orleans Data Center.

    The West End has been a wealthy area of New Orleans since the the turn of the 20th century. With lake front property, it was a resort area whose patrons wanted to hear the African American vernacular dance music, known as jazz.

    West End was originally called New Lake End to distinguish it from Old Lake End, which sometimes referred to Milneburg.

    New Lake End served as a port for craft traveling along the New Basin Canal. Between 1835 and 1876, individuals involved in the coastwise trade and those who belonged to yachting and rowing clubs primarily frequented New Lake End.

    The Mexican Gulf Ship Canal Company had begun construction of a harbor with railroad facilities when the city acquired the company’s partially built embankment at the New Basin Canal and the Seventeenth Street Canal. The 100 foot wide bank was raised to a height of eight feet. Subsequently, the New Orleans City and Lake Railroad routed trains to the embankment, which was developed to house the West End resort.

    A hotel, a restaurant, a garden and various amusement spots were built on a large wooden platform that was constructed over the water. In 1880, New Lake End took the name West End. Sailing and rowing regattas added to the popularity of West End. Over the next 30 years, West End achieved popularity to rival the resort at Spanish Fort.

    West End contributed to the early development of jazz in New Orleans. Its bandstand was a center for early jazz concerts performed by notable jazz musicians including Louis Armstrong. The famous jazz song “West End Blues” was inspired by this resort area.

    In 1921, the city completed improvements that included the construction of a seawall 500 feet further out in the lake and filling in the space between the old embankment, expanding the park to thirty acres, all of which resulted in the present West End Park. The first houses were built near West End Park around the 1920s.

    Within the city of New Orleans, African American vernacular dance music originated in a number of places, far across town from the West End. One of the most vibrant homes of early jazz was the Back o' Town neighborhood, where Louis Armstrong grew up.

    Back o' Town included illicit gambling and prostitution houses as well as residences. The adjacent South Rampart Street corridor contained more respectable AfricanAmerican businesses and legitimate places of entertainment. From the turn of the century through the 1920s, Back o' Town had a concentration. of saloons, social halls, dance clubs, and vaudeville theaters where early jazz was played. These ranged from low-down dives, such as the Red Onion, to a middle-class ballroom like the Parisian Garden room in the Pythian Temple building. Most of the area has been redeveloped for government offices, parking areas, high-rise office buildings, and the Superdome. The Red Onion, the Pythian Temple Building, the Odd Fellows and Masonic dance hall, and the Iroquois Theater remain. Louis Armstrong's birthplace, Union Sons hall, the Astoria Hotel and Ballroom, Spano's, and several other important early structures have been torn down.

    Nola Percent African American, Lower Ninth Ward highlightedAnother source of musicians for the wealthy audiences on the West End would have been the Eighth and Ninth Wards.

    The Eighth and Ninth wards begin east of Elysian Fields Avenue. This was a racially mixed workingclass neighborhood at the turn of the century. Woodmen of the World Hall, where early jazz was played, still stands. Famous residents of the area included Papa Jack Laine, Manuel Mello, Manuel Perez, and John Robichaux.

    The African American working class people of the Ninth Ward were still supplying labor for the the greater economy of New Orleans, up until last week, when their neighborhood was destroyed and they were left to the death and chaos of their flooded neighborhood and city. (Map above right: NOLA neighborhoods by percent African American, Lower Ninth Ward outlined in red, other racial composition maps here.)

    People in the Lower Ninth Ward use the bus to get to work because of lack of finances, lack of private cars. You've got to use the bus even though the services continue to be limited. You've got to use the bus because that's the only means you have to get out to make money. There are no jobs here, and there is nowhere you can walk to do things. (75 year old African American social worker, Fall 2003)

    "In other parts of the city, a lot of people have the option of walking to their jobs. But on this side, because of the canal, we are separated from the city.” (53 year old African American laborer, Fall 2003)

    Whereas only 6.1% of West End residents had no vehicle available, a third of Ninth Ward residents were without vehicles prior to Katrina. There were things that could have been done to get Ninth Ward residents and others without cars out of the city, along the lines of what Malik Rahim has pointed out.

    We have Amtrak here that could have carried everybody out of town. There were enough school buses that could have evacuated 20,000 people easily, but they just let them be flooded. My son watched 40 buses go underwater - they just wouldn't move them, afraid they'd be stolen.

    People who could afford to leave were so afraid someone would steal what they own that they just let it all be flooded. They could have let a family without a vehicle borrow their extra car, but instead they left it behind to be destroyed.

    Jazz History Map AreaThere's lots of ways to guess at the meaning of Louis Armstrong's rendition of his mentor Joe "King" Oliver's West End Blues. Maybe it was just a blues written while in the West End. Maybe it was a blues for people whom Oliver performed for on the West End. Maybe it was a blues for all the people who worked in the West End and lived someplace else. Right now it's a blues for all of New Orleans, though some folks have it worse than others . . .

    Louis recorded the song in Chicago, after he had left New Orleans and had already spent some time in New York City. The Hot Five/Hot Seven recordings were not three minute digest versions of what he was doing in the clubs. Rather, the ensembles and the arrangements were assembled especially for the studio dates. Louis' West End Blues were designed for the act of recording and were therefore a blues for all us.

    Anyone with an ounce of compassion also has more than just a touch of the West End Blues—especially if they're asking questions like Marsha Joyner's questions.

    Did Katrina open our eyes to a problem, which has been glossed over? Are we seeing the under belly of America, the poor, the minorities, the people who could not afford to evacuate; whose very existence depends on the meager handout of the government. A government, which we saw was too long delayed in coming to the rescue.

    Did Katrina show us an America that we pretend does not exist? The magnitude of everyday suffering is intolerable and such conditions must be changed through social action. We, members of SNCC and countless others, worked tirelessly to enact social changes only to see subsequent Administrations dismantle them. We are now back to square one. Like Victor Hugo, again, we must convince America that the poor, the minorities, the outcast, the people stealing in the midst of Katrina, the outcast—the misérables—are worth saving.

    Louis Armstrong And His Hot Five, West End Blues

    June 28, 1928, Chicago


    Not until the fifth day of the federal government's inept and inadequate emergency response to the New Orleans' disaster did George Bush even acknowledge it was 'unacceptable.' 'Unacceptable' doesn't begin to describe the depth of the neglect, racism and classism shown to the people of New Orleans. The government's actions and inactions were criminal. New Orleans, a city whose population is almost 70% percent black, 40% illiterate, and many are poor, was left day after day to drown, to starve and to die of disease and thirst.

    The people of New Orleans will not go quietly into the night, scattering across this country to become homeless in countless other cities while federal relief funds are funneled into rebuilding casinos, hotels, chemical plants and the wealthy white districts of New Orleans like the French Quarter and the Garden District. We will not stand idly by while this disaster is used as an opportunity to replace our homes with newly built mansions and condos in a gentrified New Orleans.

    Community Labor United (CLU), a coalition of the progressive organizations throughout New Orleans, has brought community members together for eight years to discuss socio-economic issues. We have been communicating with people from The Quality Education as a Civil Right Campaign, the Algebra Project, the Young People's Project and the Louisiana Research Institute for Community Empowerment. We are preparing a press release and framing document that will be out as a draft later today for comments.

    Here is what we are calling for:

    • We are calling for all New Orleanians remaining in the city to be evacuated immediately.
    • We are calling for information about where every evacuee was taken.
    • We are calling for black and progressive leadership to come together to meet in Baton Rouge to initiate the formation of a Community Oversight Committee of evacuees from all the sites. This committee will demand to oversee FEMA, the Red Cross and other organizations collecting resources on behalf of our people.
    • We are calling for volunteers to enter the shelters where our people are and to assist parents with housing, food, water, health care and access to aid.
    • We are calling for teachers and educators to carve out some time to come to evacuation sites and teach our children.
    • We are calling for city schools and universities near evacuation sites to open their doors for our children to go to school.
    • We are calling for health care workers and mental health workers to come to evacuation sites to volunteer.
    • We are calling for lawyers to investigate the wrongful death of those who died, to protect the land of the displaced, to investigate whether the levies broke due to natural and other related matters.
    • We are calling for evacuees from our community to actively participate in the rebuilding of New Orleans.
    • We are calling for the addresses of all the relevant list serves and press contacts to send our information.

    We are in the process of setting up a central command post in Jackson, MS, where we will have phone lines, fax, email and a web page to centralize information. We will need volunteers to staff this office.

    We have set up a People's Hurricane Fund that will be directed and administered by New Orleanian evacuees. The Young People's Project, a 501(c)3 organization formed by graduates of the Algebra Project, has agreed to accept donations on behalf of this fund. Donations can be mailed to:

    The People's Hurricane Fund c/o The Young People's Project

    99 Bishop Allen Drive

    Cambridge, MA 02139

    If you have comments of how to proceed or need more information, please email them to Curtis Muhammad (muhammadcurtisATbellsouthDOTnet) and Becky Belcore (bbelcoreAThotmailDOTcom).

    Thank you.


    In light of the generous volume of responses, we have moved to set up a fund with the Vanguard Public Foundation, which has a long history of social justice activism and also has the staff capacity to manage this level of effort.

    Please let everyone know that donations should be earmarked for the People's Hurricane Relief Fund and checks made out to:

    Vanguard Public Foundation

    383 Rhode Island St., Ste 301

    San Francisco, CA 94103

    We are working on creating a method by which people can donate via credit card. Until then, you can donate via credit card at the www.truemajority.org website to this fund at https://secure.truemajority.org/03/clu.

    If you have supplies/in-kind donations to send, please send them to:

    People's Hurricane Relief Fund c/o Ishmael Muhammad

    440 N. Mills St., Suite 200, Jackson, MS 39202


    First The Bad News, Then The Good News (About Some Blogs)

    Bad news is Solomon (aka S-Train) has closed up shop (via P6). Good news is his buddy T-Steel who used to blog with him at his place has opened up his own spot, Palm Trees In The Ghetto.


    ‘This is criminal’: Malik Rahim reports from New Orleans

    Quote of note

    I'm in the Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans, the only part that isn't flooded. The water is good. Our parks and schools could easily hold 40,000 people, and they're not using any of it.

    This is criminal. These people are dying for no other reason than the lack of organization.

    by Malik Rahim

    San Francisco Bay View

    There are gangs of white vigilantes near here riding around in pickup trucks, all of them armed, and any young Black they see who they figure doesn't belong in their community, they shoot him. I tell them, "Stop! You're going to start a riot."

    When you see all the poor people with no place to go, feeling alone and helpless and angry, I say this is a consequence of HOPE VI. New Orleans took all the HUD money it could get to tear down public housing, and families and neighbors who'd relied on each other for generations were uprooted and torn apart.

    Most of the people who are going through this now had already lost touch with the only community they'd ever known. Their community was torn down and they were scattered. They'd already lost their real homes, the only place where they knew everybody, and now the places they've been staying are destroyed.

    But nobody cares. They're just lawless looters ... dangerous.

    The hurricane hit at the end of the month, the time when poor people are most vulnerable. Food stamps don't buy enough but for about three weeks of the month, and by the end of the month everyone runs out. Now they have no way to get their food stamps or any money, so they just have to take what they can to survive.

    Many people are getting sick and very weak. From the toxic water that people are walking through, little scratches and sores are turning into major wounds.

    People whose homes and families were not destroyed went into the city right away with boats to bring the survivors out, but law enforcement told them they weren't needed. They are willing and able to rescue thousands, but they're not allowed to.

    Every day countless volunteers are trying to help, but they're turned back. Almost all the rescue that's been done has been done by volunteers anyway.

    My son and his family - his wife and kids, ages 1, 5 and 8 - were flooded out of their home when the levee broke. They had to swim out until they found an abandoned building with two rooms above water level.

    There were 21 people in those two rooms for a day and a half. A guy in a boat who just said "I'm going to help regardless" rescued them and took them to Highway I-10 and dropped them there.

    They sat on the freeway for about three hours, because someone said they'd be rescued and taken to the Superdome. Finally they just started walking, had to walk six and a half miles.

    When they got to the Superdome, my son wasn't allowed in - I don't know why - so his wife and kids wouldn't go in. They kept walking, and they happened to run across a guy with a tow truck that they knew, and he gave them his own personal truck.

    When they got here, they had no gas, so I had to punch a hole in my gas tank to give them some gas, and now I'm trapped. I'm getting around by bicycle.

    People from Placquemine Parish were rescued on a ferry and dropped off on a dock near here. All day they were sitting on the dock in the hot sun with no food, no water. Many were in a daze; they've lost everything.

    They were all sitting there surrounded by armed guards. We asked the guards could we bring them water and food. My mother and all the other church ladies were cooking for them, and we have plenty of good water.

    But the guards said, "No. If you don't have enough water and food for everybody, you can't give anything." Finally the people were hauled off on school buses from other parishes.

    You know Robert King Wilkerson (the only one of the Angola 3 political prisoners who's been released). He's been back in New Orleans working hard, organizing, helping people. Now nobody knows where he is. His house was destroyed. Knowing him, I think he's out trying to save lives, but I'm worried.

    The people who could help are being shipped out. People who want to stay, who have the skills to save lives and rebuild are being forced to go to Houston.

    It's not like New Orleans was caught off guard. This could have been prevented.

    There's military right here in New Orleans, but for three days they weren't even mobilized. You'd think this was a Third World country.

    (Read the whole thing!)

    You can also hear an interview with Malik Rahim on KPFA's Flashpoints, Friday, Sept 2.

    Download (10.29 MB), Stream. Rahim comes on about five minutes in.

    (Thanks to Larry M. for the audio links which led me to SF Bay View article.)

    { 1 comment }

    Katrina Victim Aid = Operation Bless Pat Robertson With Cash

    It was one thing to read the expected news that Halliburton has been hired for storm cleanup in Louisiana and Mississippi. But now this:

    FEMA Directing Donations To Rev. Pat Robertson

    FEMA is directing Katrina donations to none other than the Rev. Pat Robertson …

    Millions of Americans and people around the world have rushed to donate money to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, which is shaping up to be one of the worst U.S. disasters in history, if not the worst.

    FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is the lead federal agency in the rescue & recovery operation at work in New Orleans and the Mississippi gulf coast.

    FEMA has released to the media and on its Web site a list of suggested charities to help the storm’s hundreds of thousands of victims. The Red Cross is first on the list.

    The Rev. Pat Robertson’s “Operation Blessing” is next [third] on the list. (Ranking and link corrected.)

    The chairman, “MG Robertson,” is none other than the Rev. Pat — Marion Gordon Robertson is his real name — while Pat’s wife DeDe is vice president and son Gordon Robertson is also on the board.

    The front operation for the radical, pro-assassination televangelist and Republican power broker is also based in the Rev. Pat’s headquarters, Virginia Beach.

    Robertson’s shell organizations have already collected more than $25 million from the federal government under various “faith based” federal-handout programs. And with millions of distraught citizens looking to FEMA for help in finding reputable organizations to help Katrina survivors, Robertson stands to profit magnificently from the horror that has fallen on New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.

    Now, you might want to give Pat Robertson the Benefit of the doubt. Though his anti-abortion here, pro-abortion there, pro-assassination opinions might alienate some people to the left of Genghis Khan, maybe he could do some good for the thousands of hurricane victims. Well think again (via Sploid):

    According to its Web site, the mission of Operation Blessing International (OBI) "is to demonstrate God's love by alleviating human need and suffering in the United States and around the world." Founded in 1978 by Pat Robertson, the organization "was originally set up to help struggling individuals and families by matching their needs for items such as clothing, appliances, vehicles with donated items from viewers of The 700 Club." In 1986, Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation (OBI) was formed as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to handle international relief projects. In 1993, all Operation Blessing activities were transferred to OBI.

    While OBI trumpets its work at home and abroad through its Web site, other sources provide a more nuanced picture. In 1996, the Norfolk, Va.-based Virginia-Pilot newspaper reported that two pilots who were hired by the charity to fly humanitarian aid to Zaire in 1994 were used almost exclusively for Robertson's diamond mining operations (emphasis added). Chief pilot Robert Hinkle, claimed that in the six months he flew for Operation Blessing, only one or two of more than 40 flights were humanitarian -- the rest carried mining equipment. OBI resources were being diverted to support the African Development Co., a private corporation run by Robertson. At the time, Robertson also had a special relationship with Zaire's late dictator, Mobutu Sese Seko.

    "My first impression when I took the job was that we'd be called Operation Blessing and we'd be doing humanitarian work," Hinkle, a former Peace Corps volunteer, told the Virginia-Pilot. "We got over there and 'Operation Blessing' was painted on the tails of the airplanes, but we were doing no humanitarian relief at all. We were just supplying the miners and flying the dredges from Kinshasa out to Tshikapa."(Emphasis added.)

    At first, an OPI spokesperson denied the charges by the Virginia Pilot. Later, however, a written statement from the group admitted Robertson's mining company used Operation Blessing planes "from time to time," but that most air missions in Zaire were for humanitarian or training purposes. "For example, medicine was transported to some 17 clinics in Zaire," the spokesman told the paper. Hinkle called the OPI statement "a clear-cut lie."

    There's this and other examples in the TomPaine.com article of gross corruption in Operation Blessing missions. There is also more fundamental organizational corruption:

    Advocates for government funding of faith-based organizations argue that religious groups dispense services more quickly than the government and have dramatically lower administrative overhead. In the course of investigating the accuracy of this claim, [Charles] Henderson examined tax returns for Operation Blessing and found that its administrative expenses far exceeded the zero to 10 percent claimed by faith-based supporters.

    Henderson, who is also the executive director of CrossCurrents, an interfaith organization and magazine, points out that out of a total OPI budget of $36 million in 1999, administrative costs were over $11 million -- a far cry from 10 percent. Twenty-five million dollars remained for "services to individuals and organizations."

    Digging further, Henderson discovered that the remaining $25 million did not go to individuals, but rather "to 'organizations' that are providing the actual services to individuals. Here, Henderson explains in his article, "Fraud In The Name Of God", "the trail becomes murky as one would have to follow the money through the finances of each of these organizations to find out what percentage of their income, including the income from Operation Blessing, goes for administration."

    Henderson goes on to "wager that an additional percentage -- if they are as 'efficient' as Operation Blessing itself the figure would be 30 percent -- is sliced off the top of the money they receive from Operation Blessing to pay for their administrative expenses. That being the case, we would have about half of all donations to Operation Blessing reaching those who are truly needy" (emphasis added).

    How about a little justice in the name of God?

    (Thanks to Joyce L. for passing this one on...)


    It appears FEMA has removed Operation Blessing from the Katrina Donations page—on a Saturday, no less. Hmmm. I wonder how that happened. Three points for the lefty blogosphere. Well maybe only two points, since they are still taking donations on the Operation Blessing website. In fact that seems to be all Operation Blessing is about right now...

    Just in case you don't believe me about the FEMA site, here's the google cache of how it looked before they changed the page.


    Some Other Blogs On Katrina From My Shortlist

    Though I just made the recommendation in my previous post, I'll start by directing readers to Marian's Blog for good news blogging and analysis from a strong international human rights and racial justice perspective.

    Also of interest are Kaspit's posts on social justice, environmental issues, and the Jewish legal and ethical tradition's take on looting to save lives.

    There's also a lot of good blogging by Bitch PhD.


    I’m Glad I Know Marian . . .

    If you haven't checked out her blog, she has an extensive background in humanitarian action worldwide. Here's what she says about the problems with sending Red Cross volunteers into New Orleans:

    The situation is a mess, but, having worked in Kosovo, Haiti, Bosnia

    and other places, there could be unbelievable complications sending

    Red Cross volunteers - most of whom are not really trained or equipped

    for this type or scale of disaster - into this situation.

    They would really be sending such people into harm's way, especially

    with the flooding/standing water; no electricity anywhere; NO

    COMMUNICATIONS, the list goes on.

    Many of the volunteers easily could end up victims. They would also be

    taking up valuable space. The US does not have a civilian corps

    trained for this kind of situation. I could be wrong but that is my

    take. I think we're used to seeing images of relief workers helping

    people in the midst of ruins, but AFTER the danger - or most of it -

    has passed. This crisis is in active mode.

    A statement along the lines of Marian's email to me would be much more informative and would help members of the public understand the situation better.

    Apparently there are sound reasons for keeping the Red Cross out right now while the crisis is in full swing. I am still disgusted that Homeland Security and the Red Cross use right wing, victim-blaming rhetoric of "personal responsibility" to "inform" us about the situation ("Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city"). Though not the Red Cross, necessarily, a humanitarian presence IS needed in New Orleans. In a second email that just arrived, as I was typing this, Marian said:

    [T]o me the real issue is that what's needed is not (yet) Red Cross volunteers, but a first-response corps of civilian disaster workers (to work alongside national guard/military) trained by FEMA -- if Bush had not virtually destroyed FEMA.


    George Bush Would Rather New Orleans Residents Die

    George Bush's rhetoric of "personal responsibility" has always been murderous in its effects and implications. Now it is simply murderous. The only consideration should be how to save as many lives as possible, not this right wing bullshit:


    Disaster FAQs

    Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?

    * Acess to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard and local authorities and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.

    * The state Homeland Security Department had requested--and continues to request--that the American Red Cross not come back into New Orleans following the hurricane. Our presence would keep people from evacuating and encourage others to come into the city.

    * The Red Cross has been meeting the needs of thousands of New Orleans residents in some 90 shelters throughout the state of Louisiana and elsewhere since before landfall. All told, the Red Cross is today operating 149 shelters for almost 93,000 residents.

    * The Red Cross shares the nation’s anguish over the worsening situation inside the city. We will continue to work under the direction of the military, state and local authorities and to focus all our efforts on our lifesaving mission of feeding and sheltering.

    * The Red Cross does not conduct search and rescue operations. We are an organization of civilian volunteers and cannot get relief aid into any location until the local authorities say it is safe and provide us with security and access.

    * The original plan was to evacuate all the residents of New Orleans to safe places outside the city. With the hurricane bearing down, the city government decided to open a shelter of last resort in the Superdome downtown. We applaud this decision and believe it saved a significant number of lives.

    * As the remaining people are evacuated from New Orleans, the most appropriate role for the Red Cross is to provide a safe place for people to stay and to see that their emergency needs are met. We are fully staffed and equipped to handle these individuals once they are evacuated.

    (Emphasis added.)


    Grassroots Assistance In LA, MS and AL

    Contact Person: Mae Jackson


    Dear Friends:

    Art Without Walls/Caring For Creators of Change in cosponsorship with the Mississippi Action For Community Education,Inc are working together to assist the victims of hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.

    Mace is a non-profit , multi-purpose community development corporation established in 1967 by civil rights activist and community organizers. The organization was created to build and strengthen local human capacities and indigenous community development efforts in the 20-county Mississippi Delta region.

    Throughout the years, programs implemented by MACE have encompassed leadership development programs for adults, youth, and public officials; GED/adult literacy training; job training and career development programs; the Mississippi Delta Blues and Heritage Festival; arts education programs; housing and real estate development; and technical assistance to unincorporated rural communities. MACE also brought national attention to the need of investment capital to fuel development by creation of the Delta Foundation, a capital investment entity, and pioneered the concepts of community development in rural areas.

    MACE has agreed to act as a conduit for the distribution of money, food and clothing. Contributions of money can be sent to:

    Mississippi Action For

    Community Education

    Mr. Wendall Paris

    119 South Theobald Street

    Greenville, Mississippi 38701

    Telephone: 662-335-3523

    e-mail: mace03@bellsouth.net

    website: www.deltamace.org

    For updates please tune in to Dr. Carlos Russell radio Show, "Thinking It Through", 1190, 12am-5 pm

    Please be patient as we work to develop "distribution sites" where food and clothing and medical supplies can be dropped off. I will update you and send a list as soon as possible. Moreover, we are trying to locate the recent graduates from Cuban Medical School a group of doctors who returned less than two weeks ago to the USA.

    Thank you for your support,

    Mae Jackson

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    Notes From Inside New Orleans

    (Via Bobby D.)

    by Jordan Flaherty

    Friday, September 2, 2005

    I just left New Orleans a couple hours ago. I traveled from the apartment I was staying in by boat to a helicopter to a refugee camp. If anyone wants to examine the attitude of federal and state officials towards the victims of hurricane Katrina, I advise you to visit one of the refugee camps.

    In the refugee camp I just left, on the I-10 freeway near Causeway, thousands of people (at least 90% black and poor) stood and squatted in mud and trash behind metal barricades, under an unforgiving sun, with heavily armed soldiers standing guard over them. When a bus would come through, it would stop at a random spot, state police would open a gap in one of the barricades, and people would rush for the bus, with no information given about where the bus was going. Once inside (we were told) evacuees would be told where the bus was taking them - Baton Rouge, Houston, Arkansas, Dallas, or other locations. I was told that if you boarded a bus bound for Arkansas (for example), even people with family and a place to stay in Baton Rouge would not be allowed to get out of the bus as it passed through Baton Rouge. You had no choice but to go to the shelter in Arkansas. If you had people willing to come to New Orleans to pick you up, they could not come within 17 miles of the camp.

    I traveled throughout the camp and spoke to Red Cross workers, Salvation Army workers, National Guard, and state police, and although they were friendly, no one could give me any details on when buses would arrive, how many, where they would go to, or any other information. I spoke to the several teams of journalists nearby, and asked if any of them had been able to get any information from any federal or state officials on any of these questions, and all of them, from Australian tv to local Fox affiliates complained of an unorganized, non-communicative, mess. One cameraman told me “as someone who’s been here in this camp for two days, the only information I can give you is this: get out by nightfall. You don’t want to be here at night.” There was also no visible attempt by any of those running the camp to set up any sort of transparent and consistent system, for instance a line to get on buses, a way to register contact information or find family members, special needs services for children and infirm, phone services, treatment for possible disease exposure, nor even a single trash can.

    To understand this tragedy, its important to look at New Orleans itself.

    For those who have not lived in New Orleans, you have missed a incredible, glorious, vital, city. A place with a culture and energy unlike anywhere else in the world. A 70% African-American city where resistance to white supremacy has supported a generous, subversive and unique culture of vivid beauty. From jazz, blues and hiphop, to secondlines, Mardi Gras Indians, Parades, Beads, Jazz Funerals, and red beans and rice on Monday nights, New Orleans is a place of art and music and dance and sexuality and liberation unlike anywhere else in the world.

    It is a city of kindness and hospitality, where walking down the block can take two hours because you stop and talk to someone on every porch, and where a community pulls together when someone is in need. It is a city of extended families and social networks filling the gaps left by city, state and federal governments that have abdicated their responsibility for the public welfare. It is a city where someone you walk past on the street not only asks how you are, they wait for an answer.

    It is also a city of exploitation and segregation and fear. The city of New Orleans has a population of just over 500,000 and was expecting 300 murders this year, most of them centered on just a few, overwhelmingly black, neighborhoods. Police have been quoted as saying that they don’t need to search out the perpetrators, because usually a few days after a shooting, the attacker is shot in revenge.

    There is an atmosphere of intense hostility and distrust between much of Black New Orleans and the N.O. Police Department. In recent months, officers have been accused of everything from drug running to corruption to theft. In separate incidents, two New Orleans police officers were recently charged with rape (while in uniform), and there have been several high profile police killings of unarmed youth, including the murder of Jenard Thomas, which has inspired ongoing weekly protests for several months.

    The city has a 40% illiteracy rate, and over 50% of black ninth graders will not graduate in four years. Louisiana spends on average $4,724 per child’s education and ranks 48th in the country for lowest teacher salaries. The equivalent of more than two classrooms of young people drop out of Louisiana schools every day and about 50,000 students are absent from school on any given day. Far too many young black men from New Orleans end up enslaved in Angola Prison, a former slave plantation where inmates still do manual farm labor, and over 90% of inmates eventually die in the prison. It is a city where industry has left, and most remaining jobs are are low-paying, transient, insecure jobs in the service economy.

    Race has always been the undercurrent of Louisiana politics. This disaster is one that was constructed out of racism, neglect and incompetence. Hurricane Katrina was the inevitable spark igniting the gasoline of cruelty and corruption. From the neighborhoods left most at risk, to the treatment of the refugees to the the media portrayal of the victims, this disaster is shaped by race.

    Louisiana politics is famously corrupt, but with the tragedies of this week our political leaders have defined a new level of incompetence. As hurricane Katrina approached, our Governor urged us to “Pray the hurricane down” to a level two. Trapped in a building two days after the hurricane, we tuned our battery-operated radio into local radio and tv stations, hoping for vital news, and were told that our governor had called for a day of prayer. As rumors and panic began to rule, they was no source of solid dependable information. Tuesday night, politicians and reporters said the water level would rise another 12 feet - instead it stabilized. Rumors spread like wildfire, and the politicians and media only made it worse.

    While the rich escaped New Orleans, those with nowhere to go and no way to get there were left behind. Adding salt to the wound, the local and national media have spent the last week demonizing those left behind. As someone that loves New Orleans and the people in it, this is the part of this tragedy that hurts me the most, and it hurts me deeply.

    No sane person should classify someone who takes food from indefinitely closed stores in a desperate, starving city as a “looter,” but thats just what the media did over and over again. Sheriffs and politicians talked of having troops protect stores instead of perform rescue operations.

    Images of New Orleans’ hurricane-ravaged population were transformed into black, out-of-control, criminals. As if taking a stereo from a store that will clearly be insured against loss is a greater crime than the governmental neglect and incompetence that did billions of dollars of damage and destroyed a city. This media focus is a tactic, just as the eighties focus on “welfare queens” and “super-predators” obscured the simultaneous and much larger crimes of the Savings and Loan scams and mass layoffs, the hyper-exploited people of New Orleans are being used as a scapegoat to cover up much larger crimes.

    City, state and national politicians are the real criminals here. Since at least the mid-1800s, its been widely known the danger faced by flooding to New Orleans. The flood of 1927, which, like this week’s events, was more about politics and racism than any kind of natural disaster, illustrated exactly the danger faced. Yet government officials have consistently refused to spend the money to protect this poor, overwhelmingly black, city. While FEMA and others warned of the urgent impending danger to New Orleans and put forward proposals for funding to reinforce and protect the city, the Bush administration, in every year since 2001, has cut or refused to fund New Orleans flood control, and ignored scientists warnings of increased hurricanes as a result of global warming. And, as the dangers rose with the floodlines, the lack of coordinated response dramatized vividly the callous disregard of our elected leaders.

    The aftermath from the 1927 flood helped shape the elections of both a US President and a Governor, and ushered in the southern populist politics of Huey Long.

    In the coming months, billions of dollars will likely flood into New Orleans. This money can either be spent to usher in a “New Deal” for the city, with public investment, creation of stable union jobs, new schools, cultural programs and housing restoration, or the city can be “rebuilt and revitalized” to a shell of its former self, with newer hotels, more casinos, and with chain stores and theme parks replacing the former neighborhoods, cultural centers and corner jazz clubs.

    Long before Katrina, New Orleans was hit by a hurricane of poverty, racism, disinvestment, de-industrialization and corruption. Simply the damage from this pre-Katrina hurricane will take billions to repair.

    Now that the money is flowing in, and the world’s eyes are focused on Katrina, its vital that progressive-minded people take this opportunity to fight for a rebuilding with justice. New Orleans is a special place, and we need to fight for its rebirth.

    Jordan Flaherty is an editor of Left Turn Magazine (www.leftturn.org)

    Below are some small, grassroots and New Orleans-based resources, organizations and institutions that will need your support in the coming months.

    Social Justice:






    Cultural Resources:






    Current Info and Resources:


    UPDATE: As mentioned in the comments, I did not have full confirmation of this source. It is now, however, posted on Counterpunch and truthout. --BG